
Why is heat exchanger cleaning and servicing important?

Clean heat exchangers work far more efficiently than dirty ones. Over time, the heating tubes and internal heat conducting surfaces of a heat exchanger can become contaminated. This contamination can act as an insulator with a resulting drop in efficiency. With the rising cost of energy coupled with responsibility for safeguarding the environment, it is essential that contamination is kept to a minimum and this can only be achieved by regular heat exchanger cleaning.

Can we help?

Why use RGL’s heat exchanger cleaning services

As pioneers in the use of Ultra High Pressure Water as an industrial cleaning medium, RGL have many years of experience and associated tooling for tackling the most arduous of heat exchanger cleaning tasks. RGL are an industry leading heat exchanger cleaning company, with several long term “rolling contracts” in place. RGL’s heat exchanger cleaning service provides their customers with regular (planned) heat exchanger cleaning as well as “one off” deep cleans for inspection, turnarounds or to restore efficiency.

Make sure you used a trusted Heat Exchanger Servicing Company. Should there be a requirement for our Heat Exchanger Cleaning Service, please feel free to contact us so we can talk through the requirement and plan to get things back to working as they should!

RGL are the UK’s leading interface between water jetting technology and the job to be done.

Call us on 02380 817 172 or request a call back

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